Herbs and Homeopathic Supplements

Herbs and medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years to treat various conditions, including colds, fever, pain, cuts, wounds, allergies, etc.. Plant extracts and minerals are used to make mixtures that occur in the measured power to cure the disease.

The philosophy of homeopathy, a form of "alternative medicine" is a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person when given in small doses to cure the disease by improving the health of our bodies and self-regulatory capacity.

Herbal supplements are regulated by the FDA as "dietary supplements" and not subject to scientific scrutiny unlike drugs. Like many products, including products labeled as "natural" have similar effects to drugs, it is very important to consider the benefits and side effects before buying carefully.

Tips to buy the best herbal supplements and homeopathic

Here are some tips to buy the best adapted plants and homeopathic supplements:

Read the entire label: Read the label carefully the list of ingredients, proportions and other active ingredients, the name of the supplement and the name and address of the supplier / manufacturer of herbs.

Knowing the status as follows: The person should opt for herbal therapy or change only as a supplement specific treatment for serious diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and so on.

Choose herbs that help natural healing: After listing the internal and external symptoms, choose the grass / weeds after understanding their interaction with your body.

Determine the appropriate dose must decide the correct dose of the herb to be used depending on factors such as gender, age, and disposition.

Consider a good preparation for various herbs: research and preparation of herbs for tea blends ingestion or dyes.
Who should avoid herbal and homeopathic supplements?

While herbal supplements are generally safe, it is recommended for the following people should consult their doctor before starting any herbal treatment:

People with chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer of heather.
Pregnant or lactating women.
An easy way to learn more about the ingredients of natural products is to use a "dietary supplements Labels Database 'on the website of the National Library of Medicine with the product brand name, active ingredients, and manufacturer, and so on and information sites as the "Natural Herbs Guide."

Safety Tips

Herbal and homeopathic supplements can be purchased at health food stores without a prescription. The combination of herbal supplements with prescription medicines and may lead to negative results, even fatal, since many contain active ingredients that have important effects on our body. Individuals should consult your doctor before starting the intake of these supplements.

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