3 Reasons to LOVE Your Workout: Confessions of a Fitness Addict

Sometimes I find it strange when I tell people I love to exercise. But it's true ! I hope this time of day I can not get away from everything and focus on my body. I became an addict. I get cranky when I miss a workout and my day feels incomplete somehow . I love the feeling that I have in training.

You can also enjoy your workout. The longer you stay with him , the more rooted will be in their habits and the results are seen . Even six weeks , the results can be spectacular.

What are the three things you can like about your training?

1 - Relieves Stress

Exercise reduces cortisol , a stress hormone . You can take what could be a negative emotion such as anger , frustration or anger and use it as fuel for your workout. You can successfully redirect the negative emotion into a positive outcome.

Exercise is also a great distraction to stop thinking about problems and put you in a better state to be able to deal with them . If nothing else, you can leave the four walls that normally look , giving you a new perspective.

A deep breath and calm feeling you get when you do cardio is difficult to replace with something else. Everything seems clear - the lungs , skin , thoughts . This is a good time to think you are hitting the miles .

2 - it feels good

Have you ever heard someone say, " Dude, I feel I have worked today. " Probably not, but what you heard someone talking about how proud she was that she made today's training session or three times this week .

It feels good to drive . Exercise increases endorphins, which are the "welfare " of chemicals in your body. Often there is a feeling of euphoria with working in a "high" . Who can not use some of this? There is a sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with it . This is what keeps people coming back every time ... and the fact that they like the way their clothes are appropriate and positive feedback they receive from people who have noticed a change in them.

Moreover, when the rest is not terribly strong music listener in the middle of the day? Lists are great training partners . You can set your music to the kind of activity you do , the speed at which you want to do and their general mood or atmosphere you want to have . Music is a great pick- me-up . At the end of a workout , not only will you feel good in training, but the music .

3 See progress and success in something

If you are still working , you can see the progress . You will see the progress toward your goals whether it is fat loss and muscle gain . Also notice that you can do things today that we could not do last month. You will notice that you can go faster and with greater strength and cardio easier. Maybe last week I could not walk on the treadmill and have a conversation without being out of breath , but now you can talk comfortably . Maybe you started to do a bench press with 10 kilos and now uses 20 . Progress is synonymous with success. And we all love the feeling of success. If you are successful in one area, that gives you confidence to succeed in another.

I did nothing of that sound familiar? You've probably heard or experienced any of these things already .

And here's a bonus reason to love your workout :

When you exercise, it gives you more motivation to stay on your meal plan . If you go to the gym an hour a day , yet there are twenty hours a day to spoil your results. Who wants to work so hard in the gym just to fly with your diet ? Regular exercise adds an incentive to eat well.

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